Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Pengertian dan Manfaat Organisasi

Sudah berulang kali kita membahas soal organisasi, namun sering kali kitalupa pemaknaan dan maksud sebenarnya dari organisasi tersebut. Chek this out for knowledge organization .

Organisasi merupakan sebuah kumpulan orang yang bekerjasama,  yang memiliki tujuan yang sama, dan merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Didalam organisasi ada beberapa point penting yang harus di ketahui, antara lain :

1.       Kumpulan dua orang atau lebih

2.       Kerja sama

3.       System kordinasi

4.       Pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab

5.       Maksud  dan tujuan kegiatan

Namun,  pengertian dan point � point diatas merupakan bentuk real dari organisasi. Dan didalam kehidupan keseharian kenyataan tidak demikian. Seringkali ditemui banyak personalia yang mencari keuntungan dalam kegiatan � kegiatan, untuk memaksimalkan penghasilan dan kebutuhan hidup. Tujuan yang lainpun ada pada pangkat, jabatan dan beberapa hubungan dengan pemerintah dan pimpinan oraganisasi lain. 

Memang demikianlah keuntungan bagi yang memliki kepribadian sosial dalam suatu organisasi.

Tidak dipungkiri lagi, masing � masing personalia yang hobi nongkrong dalam organisasi pastinya memiliki kewibawaan tersendiri disbanding yang tidak sama sekali. Tergantung pembawaan diri, mau ambil tingkah yang positif atau negatif. 

Semakin kita menyatu dengan suatu organisasi, yang memiliki visi dan misi yang jelas, maka secara tidak sadar kitapun akan terbawa dengan pembawaan organisasi tersebut. Sebagai contoh sifat dan sikap pembawaan lingkungan dan didikan orang tua yang nantinya akan melebur karena pengaruh oleh organisasi tersebut. Pengaruh organisasi, seperti halnya doktrin, cuci otak, wanita, harta,  pangkat dan lainya sebagainya.

Manfaat dan Kerugian didalam berorganisasi

Sudah hal yang pasti bagi siapa saja yang mengikuti  suatu organisasi, pasti akan mendapatkan manfaat atau keuntungan. Entah organisasi dalam ranah pelajar, mahasiswa, masyarakat dan lain sebaginya.  Inilah beberapa point penting yang berkaitan dengan manfaat organisasi:

1.       Organisasi adalah salah satu cara mengasah Hardskills dan Softkill.

Hard skill merupakan teknik ilmu yang dilakukan dengan cara disiplin ilmu. Dengan kata lain, pembelajaran ilmu yang dilakukan secara tobe continue atau terus menurus. Seperti halnya Mahasiswa teknik Informatika yang merakit computer, membuat program game, animasi dll. Begitupun Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin yang  merakit mesin,  memperbaiki kerusakan dan apa yang menjadi kekurangan pada mesin.

Sedangkan softskills merupakan suatu ilmu yang digunakan untuk mengatur atau management segala hal yang menjadi objek dalam tujuan. Seperti halnya management waktu, mengatur keungan, mengatur bawahan, mengatur barisan pada kerjasama tim. menjadi seorang leaderpun juga sudah harus memiliki kekuatan atau kemampuan dalam mengatur, sebagai contoh pada formasi tim bola.

 Seorang kapten tim bola juga sudah harus mengetahui arahan posisi kiper, back, midfield, forward  dan strategi apa yang baik dalam pertandingan bola, agar nantinya pada saat pertandinagn dimulai, proses pengoperan bola akan berjalan dengan baik. Kapten tim bola juga harus bisa memimpin briefing strategi dan mengatur kapan saja pelatihan bola akan dimulai.  

2.       Memperluas jaringan dengan organisasi

Mengapa organisasi mampu memperluasa jaringan? Karena, organisasi merupakan alat yang dijadikan sebagai penggerak dalam suatu  tujuan bersama. Inilah manfaat kedua yang akan kita bahas. Pengambilan contoh yang nyata ada pada mahasiswa yang sudah masuk dan terjaring dalam UKM, SENAT Mahasiswa dan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang sudah masuk dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan, maka cepat atau lambat akan menemui berbagai mahasiswa pada jurusan lain, anggap saja sebagai mitra untuk bekerja sama.

Belum lagi, kalau dalam suatu organisasi kemahasiswaan tersebut akan menjalankan  program kerjanya yang mempunyai bentuk aksi nyata yang berupa  acara seminar atau workshop dan lain sebagainya,oleh sebab itu perlu adanya mitra dengan banyak sponsor. Sponsor tersebut bisa personal ataupun instansi �instansi yang bisa diajak bekerja sama. Relasi atau jaringan dalam organisasi akan sangat baik untuk kehidupan masa kini dan masa yang akan datang.

3.       Ikut serta dalam organisasi, mengembangkan minat dan mempertajam bakat

Organisasi, selain sebagai alat, juga dijadikan sebagai pengembang minat dan mempertajam bakat. Keumumannya, organisasi yang memiliki brand yang baik, pastinya memilki sebuah komunitas � komunitas dibawah naungan organisasi tersebut. Seperti halnya organisasi IPM (Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah ) Banyumas yang memiliki komunitas semangat NUUN, dimana pembahasan komunitas tersebut, tidak lain hanyalah sebatas kepenulisan yang diminati oleh pelajar masa kini.

Pertajam bakat dengan organisasi, karena masing � masing personal yang sudah masuk dalam struktural, tentu mempunyai keinginan dan disiplin ilmu (pembelajaran yang terus berkelanjutan). Semakin terfocus pada disiplin ilmu, maka hardskills atau softskillpun akan naik dan terbawa seiring dengan adanya  disiplin ilmu.   

Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

Understanding POAC in the world Management

In fact, in the world there are many knowledge management, to recognize certain objects, like SWOT, POAC and others. However berhubu In fact, in the world there are many knowledge management, to analyze certain objects, like SWOT, POAC and others. However, since we have already discussed the SWOT analysis, then of course to move to the next formulation analysis tools that are POAC.

 POAC is a strategy to collate, process and arrange a classy organization, and has a brand to be more organized in a vision and a mission trip.

POAC is a process that is ongoing and will not stop. While the process is an action to achieve a goal. Here's a breakdown point - an important point with regard to the abbreviation POAC, which among which are:

1. PlanningIn the plan, about what he would want and how to achieve such a goal. Planning is a decision to be led where the direction of motion within an organization. Planning, the origin is setting goals, and every manager has the presumption to be able to move forward with the following phrase "What we want, and how to achieve the desire or purpose".

2. OrganizingThis is the second acronym that will be discussed is organizing. Organizing is suffice the needs of a human resources participating in building and running the system that leads to the goal.

More precisely is grouping within a department that covers, making the program work on each - for the regions of resources designated to carry out the task. Assignment of tasks, share tasks with more specific, and determine who is entitled to carry out the task.

3. ActuatingActuating a follow-up of the planning, which was only a concept or planning, then applied to the real shape or agenda of action. At this actuating the role of manager is needed to direct human resources to the task - his task in a job. What is clear, which meant actuating here is everything that stems from the concept, without any follow-up or action agenda, it is only a shadow of false or wishful - mere wishful.

4. ControllingControlling is to ensure the full performance of the worker or multiple divisions within the company. Monitoring is the thing to do, either by the manager or head of the company. So that conditions remain stable company 'organizations. As an example of controlling a manager in the organization is on the financial intonansi companies, advertising demand by the public, and statistics are included in the company's profits.

 Controlling is the end of the planning process. If it is not in accordance with the state manager in the company, whether what is at issue, it is necessary to reset the holding in the planning.

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2015

Definition and Eexamples of SWOT Analysis

In an analysis, there are analytical tools that we are familiar with the SWOT. This analysis tool gives a lot of fatherly picture a future strategy better. SWOT analysis is a tool that can be used in any sector, whether in the private or domestic institutions.

To be more precise, tool SWOT analysis is a method or strategy makes no difference in design in its own internal, SWOT analysis tools provide a concept, to measure the strengths and weaknesses of the institution.

While the external factors, provides an overview and concepts to measure the barriers and opportunities within a company or institution. Given this analysis tool, it will tertemui some point the point that will serve as the vision and mission of an organization.The basic components in SWOT analysis tool.

1. Strengts (Strength) or abbreviated as "S", which is characteristic of organizations, institutions or projects that possess the advantages or advantages that strengthen the body compared to other institutions.

2. Weakness (weakness) or abbreviated as "W" is a characteristic in the organization who have a weakness in the organization.

3. oportunities (opportunities) or symbolized with the letter "O" that is characteristic of an organization that has a chance in mengangbil decision, to maximize yield or profit in an organization or company.

4. Treath (threat) or symbolized with the letter "T" is the type of organization that has a threat in various aspects either in marketing, management and others.

How to make a SWOT analysis tersistematis or good, then I made a bit of a question that can be formulated in the analysis tool. For example:Strengts (strength)Excess of what an organization or an institution?What makes an organization that has made better than other organizations?The uniqueness or character of what is owned by the organization?Excess of what is perceived comfort by consumers in an organization or institution?
Weakness (Weakness)What caused weakness in an organization?What can increase profits or positive performance for an organization?What competitors are doing so that they are better than the organization being undertaken?What factors led to the loss of value of sales in an organization?

Opportunities (Opportunities)Opportunity and opportunity what can be seen in the global market target?And what advertising medium that is able to attract to benefit or profit?

Threats (Threats)What obstacles we are facing now?What ways do pesain organiasi to further improve branding?Is there a technology that is threatened due to the development of science and technology (science technology)? If there is mention and explain the form and meaning of the tekhn ology?What should be avoided by the organization?

Kamis, 17 Desember 2015


In an establishment of the organization, there are many parts - parts that should be known, which includes a vision - mission to the work program and agenda for action. Vision is a long-term goal that can not be explained specifically. Because, frequent management turnover that occurs in a term or period or the period of the contract.

Vision is a destination that makes ideals - ideals in an organization. Without a clear vision and mission, it will make ambiguous on the way for an organization. And in the holy book Qur'an has mentioned and proved, that all that is written and specified implicitly definitely thinking about a destination. As well as the verses of the Qur'an that of the letter of the 3rd paragraph 191, which means:

"Our Lord, You have not created this in vain - nothing. Holy of holies thou, then periharalah us from the torment of hell (Sura 3: 191) "All vision or purpose certainly has command, and all orders must have a goal of implementation. And could we find a quote in a book belonging to the Christian reading "Christian missionaries". 

 Christian missionaries intent (vision) invites for people - people entering the teaching of the Christian religion. Certainly not in the light of blatant and open.While the mission is a way and means to achieve a goal and in religion we might call the law.

While the motto is a motto in the work. But the motto is a very common thing to understand. While in the fields of finance, mottopun can not be applied, because the slogan is not enough as a proof print out. Therefore, it takes administrative information used as evidence.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

IDGHOM MUTAQORIBAINI (????????? ???????????????)

????????? ???????????????         IDGHOM MUTAQORIBAINI 

????????? ???????????????         IDGHOM MUTAQORIBAINI
MUTAQORIBAIN artinya : Dua berdekatan.
Hukum bacaan disebut IDGHOM MUTAQORIBAIN ialah dua huruf yang berhadap-hadapan itu hamper berdekatan makhroj dan sifatnya, dan pertama sukun dan yang kedua berharokah. Membacanya harus diidghomkan atau ditasydidkan huruf pertama pada huruf kedua.

Contoh � contoh dari huruf � huruf yang berdekatan makhroj dan sifatnya, seperti  : 

   ???????? ?????   :     ? � ?     dibaca  ???????????     
???????????????   :    ? � ?         dibaca     ???????? ????????      
 ?????? ????????????   :     ? � ?     dibaca           ?????? ??????????? 

Dan masih banyak lagi contoh yang belum tuliskan.      


Forensic comes the Greek word meaning forensic, and in Indonesian meaningful debate or debate. On the understanding that in mind, that the Forensic Science is a science that is used to help enforce the law, to provide tangible evidence that is digital. Forensic science include forensic physics, forensic chemistry, forensic psychology, computer forensics, forensic ballistics and many more that have not been described. 

Definition of crime and forensics have the same element, which among which are:1. The existence of a method, apparatus, prtoses and jobs.2. Harnessing science as a pillar to solve the problem3. Having made the object linkage in the act of criminality4.

 Aiming to make clear evidence that will be brought  in court.Actually, the evidence is on the rise at this time is a computer. All activities - activities from beginning to end will be seen, read and heard. However, the data  that exist on the computer can be manipulated by pemakanya. What is clear, to find concrete evidence on the computer, should file - the original file.

Information on corpus delicti, of checks that occur in the scene, will certainly give the following results:

A) Information on modus operandi, the perpetrators have many ways to obtain the desired goal, so that with the investigation tell the offender.

B). Linking a suspect with a victim, examination at the scene is able to provide a very close relationship to the victim and the perpetrator. Treatment offense in the perpetrator and the victim, it will leave the material goods which become evidence.

C). Linking a person to a crime scene, after the criminal act many possibilities happen to the scene and the victim are carried out by someone other than the suspect took advantage.

e). Disproving or supporting a Witness's Testimony, the examination of the evidence may provide clues as to whether the information given by a suspect or witness is lying or not.f). 

 Identification of a suspect, the best evidence that can be used to identify a suspect is a fingerprint, because the fingerprint has a very characteristic properties and very individual for each person.g). Providing Investigative leads, examination of evidence can provide a clear direction in the investigation.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

Understanding IT Forensics And Digital Forensic Methods

IT Forensics is a computer-based analysis process, which is used to collect data to be used as a proof of facts in a court of law. With the swift development of technology today, of all concrete evidence that there is in computerization.

Either the data analysis photo, recover a data, and look for a trail in the search. And many more application - the application that must be known by the analyzers. Likewise in the form of applications to run and find a purpose.

 For those who are still amateurs in terms of computers, could be directly searching for google to search for a tutorial - the tutorial.If we go back to review more in terms of IT Forensic, as well as Computer Forensic. 

 Computers that possess a log recording every moment can be known by the user. And of course, in terms of any file, whether the file photo, video, and word, excel and others will still be unknown.

In the prosecution evidence, relating to IT Forensics includes, what, who and with whom to conduct a case, why do these things, and how to perform these actions. And the real shape is often done in the case pembongkarang is the game that often leave the URL WEB historically. Just open its historic look site will eat anything that has been opened or explored.

And has many applications - applications that records the activities - activities the user when opening the computer to shut down. Digital evidence should be stored in a place that will not happen steriil changes that result in loss of value of the evidence in the hearing.

Jumat, 27 November 2015

????? ???????????????

????? ???????????????
????? ???????????????

?????????? ??????????????? ?????????? , ?????? : ?????? ?? ?????? , ?? ??? , ? ???????, ?? ????? , ?? ????? , ?? ??????.

??????????????? ???????  : ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? , ??? : ??? ????? ??? ?????, ??? ????? ??? ?????.
???? ??? ????? ????? ???????. ?? ? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????????? , ???: ??? ????? ????? ??? ???? . ? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????, ??? ??? ????? ? ????? ??? ?????????, ??? : ??? : ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ,