Jumat, 27 November 2015

????? ???????????????

????? ???????????????
????? ???????????????

?????????? ??????????????? ?????????? , ?????? : ?????? ?? ?????? , ?? ??? , ? ???????, ?? ????? , ?? ????? , ?? ??????.

??????????????? ???????  : ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? , ??? : ??? ????? ??? ?????, ??? ????? ??? ?????.
???? ??? ????? ????? ???????. ?? ? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????????? , ???: ??? ????? ????? ??? ???? . ? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????, ??? ??? ????? ? ????? ??? ?????????, ??? : ??? : ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ,     

IDGHOM MUTAJANISAIN ????????? ??????????????

   ID-GHOM MUTAJANISAIN  ????????? ??????????????

  ID-GHOM MUTAJANISAIN  ????????? ??????????????
Hukum bacaan disebut ID-GHOM MUTAJANISAIN ialah bila ada suatu huruf yang sukun berhadapan dengan huruf yang berharokah, kedua-dua huruf itu sama makhrojnya dan lain sifatnya.

Membacanya harus dengan memasukan atau mengidghomkan huruf pertama pada huruf yang sama MAKHROJ dan lain SIFAT adalah seperti DAL (?) dan TAA� (?), misalnya :  ???????????   tidak boleh dibaca LAQOD � TABA, melainkan dibaca dengan idghom atau ditasydidkan sehingga dibaca LA-QOTTAABA. Dan begitulah seterusnya.

Huruf � huruf yang sama makhroj dan lain sifatnya serta misal � misalnya :

???? ?????  : ?? � ?                      dibaca     ???????? 
???? ????????? : ?? � ?                          dibaca     ????????????   
??? ??????????  : ?? � ?                               dibaca    ??? ?????????  
?????? ???????? : ?? - ?                dibaca ?????? ??????? 

Kamis, 26 November 2015


Ada tiga macam ID-GHOM yang berbeda karena perbedaan makhroj huruf dan sifatnya, ialah :

1.       ID-GHOM MUTAMATSILAIN                                                         ??????? ???????? ???????   
2.       ID-GHOM MUTAJANISAIN                                     ??????????????                        ????????? 
3.       ID-GHOM MUTAQORIBAIN                                                       ??????????????     ?????????

1.       ID-GHOM MUTAMATSILAIN                                                         ??????? ???????? ???????
MUTAMATSILAIN artinya dua sama.


Hukum bacaanya disebut ID-GHOM MUTATSILAIN ialah apabila suatu huruf bertemu sesamanya, yang sama makhrojnya dan sama sifatnya, huruf yang pertama sukun dan huruf yang kedua berharokat.

Cara membacanya adalah dengan memasukan huruf pertama pada huruf yang kedua atau dengan mentasydidkannya, yaitu dibaca dengan tasydid.

Umpamanya huruf pertama DZAL (??  ) bertemu dengan sesame DZAL (??  ) seperti :
????????? membacanya harus IDZDZAHABA ?????????. Umpamanya Baa� ( ?? ) bertemu dengan sesama Baa�  ( ? ) umpama ???????? ?????????? membacanya harus IDZHABBI KITAABI (    ?????????????????).

Umpama MIEM  (??  ) bertemu dengan sesame MIEM (?  ) umpamanya : ?????? ???????????? membacanya harus WAHUMMUHTADUUN (?????????????????)kecuali huruf WAWU SUKUN  ??) ( bertemu WAWU (?) dan YAA� SUKUN ( ?? ) bertemu YAA� ( ?? ), membacanya tidak boleh diidhomkan, tetapi harus dibaca panjang atau MAD, misalnya :

??? ?????? ???? ??????????

Latihan membaca bacaan � bacaan berikut seperti diatas :

??????? ????????? � ???????????? ??????????  - ????? ???????? ?????????????

Minggu, 22 November 2015

Wisdom, Benefit Reading And Memorizing the Quran


In a learner Qur'an, rather is Tahfidz, has a lot of wisdom and benefits if the person doing it. Kinerka and its relation to the brain, it would be very helpful to the process of thinking. The more a memorizing the Qur'an, it is directly proportional to the level of a person's health. Either in terms of psychological, mental or jasmini.

Not only that, in addition to providing in terms spikis health, mental and jasmininya, also provide a real focal point for the learning process of students and students in the school. Or rather is concentration.

at first glance it is the most basic concentration in getting a goal. But, in the absence of the concentration, the objectives that we want will melt and disappear instantly without signs and without residue. Professor of psychology at the University of Imam Muhammad bin Su'ud al-Islamiya in Riyadh, Dr. Abdullah Subaih found to memorize the Qur'an means that students are trained to concentrate.

In addition to the concentration, memorizing the Qur'an also removes the nature of a person's dementia. So the true secret of the Qur'an Allah SWT, that the
Qur'an is a drug for humans. And for young men or women who are still single and still continue studynya, let patient and multiply memorize the Qur'an. Because the Qur'an is as good as a lover to be invited to sit down and pensive.

Activity memorize the Qur'an sometimes be a burden to the student or students who are forced to live, but has become a fundamental duty, of a teacher and parents to partner and provide guidance to a student or a student, when viewed from the context of educational institutions. And if we look back, in school - school education, whether it is the basic, secondary and upper secondary, whether or Stanawiyah Aliyah. It's true - really very little to implement educational curriculum of the Qur'an, it seems, and concepted. However, not many schools to be continue to run the education curriculum Qur'an.

The crowning glory for those who memorize the Qur'an, rather, is to be in foster degrees for those who memorized. It has been seen clearly, a soul who memorize the Qur'an is sincere and who is not, will nampa difference and rank.

In a hadith, the placement of a person who memorize and keep the Qur'an how high and very noble. "Allah has among the human family, friends asked," Who are they O Messenger of Allah? "The Apostle replied," The
Qur'an. They are the family of God and his choices. "(Ahmad).